Desmond Kirkland



Desmond is a New York City-based performer and voice teacher with a Bachelor of Music from Belmont University and a Master of Music from Middle Tennessee State University. From 2010 until 2021, Desmond was located in Nashville, TN, and was an active member of the arts community. During this time, he was a music director, worship leader, session singer, background vocalist, and actor in Nashville’s local theaters. These opportunities allowed him to perform for a Tedeschi Trucks Tribute, 21st Century Fox, and the Dove Awards.

In 2015 Desmond began teaching voice after receiving his certification in Somatic Voice Work: The Lovetri Method for Vocal Pedagogy. Demond has worked with a variety of students. These students include recording artists, instrumentalists who want to sing, actors, worship leaders, and hobbyists. Desmond has hosted and operated several conventions and workshops. These events focused on voice anatomy, voice teacher training, musical theater styles, popular music singing, choir singing, and group improvisation.

Desmond focuses on building an atmosphere of trust in his lessons. The voice is a highly personal instrument. Desmond’s goal is to guide his students as they discover their vocal abilities and artistry. He makes sure your technique serves your vocal health and your style. You will be able to sing the notes you aim for in the style you want to sing them while maintaining vocal health.

Book your no-stress consultation with a professional coach today.